Saturday, January 14, 2012

Not The Best Week

There was no gym last week, and I think I only brought my lunch once. Maybe twice. I skipped the gym to go see the eye doctor on Monday. Tuesday, I had sushi with Gabby for dinner, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I worked until 6 pm each night.  And because I was working such long shifts, I was eating junk for lunch "to tide me over."  Blach!  I am really bad when I let me self slip during the week. As I have mentioned its hard for me to make it right the next day, I have this voice inside me that says, "Oh well, this week is a fail, lets just try again Monday." It's that inner voice that I am really trying to work on.  Oh, and as the caffeine headache I had this morning reminded me, I drank way too much pop last week. Again, it was "to keep me going through the long shifts." Ugh...

Monday, January 9, 2012

All The Better To See You With!

I'll go ahead a start right out by saying no, I didn't go to the gym tonight. I should have squeezed it in, but I didn't.  I did, however, have an eye appointment.  It was becoming ever so more apparent that my eyes just weren't meeting the necessary standards. I realized how bad it was when I was score keeping for the DDG a few months back. And then it was really obvious when I had to try and read street signs in Canada over the weekend.  I was dreading going, because I didn't want to spend the money.  Thankfully the exam, frames and lenses didn't cost as much as I thought it was going to.  That was a real relief.  So in two weeks I will be able to see again!

I was good on the eating part... for most of the day.  I had oatmeal and coffee for breakfast. A banana for a mid-morning snack. A salad of the taco variety, but not with all the bad stuff.  Olives, black beans, tomatoes, some tortilla chips but not a lot, and salsa for a dressing.  Oh, wait, I guess mid-afternoon is where it went down hill.  Rather than the juice box with my lunch I did have a Pepsi, and I had some goldfish crackers and later some cookies. That was about the time I was trying to fill time in at work, I only had so much work left, and a meeting coming up and I was trying to stretch it out.  So I made a trip to the vending machine. For dinner I had a crunch wrap from Taco Bell and a small Pepsi. Ok, so maybe I didn't do so hot afterall. 

But, the biggest part of dealing with a problem is admitting you have one, right? I will keep working at it.  Must lose weight! I suppose Mikey is out playing in the garage, I could always hop on the Wii?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Working' On It

I was hoping to jump on the laptop and jot down a few words but Mikey's got it so this will have to do.

I have brought my lunch to work twice already this week. I know, huge accomplishment right? But I think I have been doing pretty good with what I eat. I'm still craving carbs (as evidenced by all of the crunchy snacks in the grocery cart). But I am trying to eat veggies when I get the urge. I'm thinking of making some male chips again, as those weren't too bad.

I skipped the gym yesterday (yea, yea) but that was to go to the chiropractor. One of the things I really need to work on this year is to stop making excuses for not going to the gym. I am usually telling myself that I can't go to the gym Wednesday, since I didn't go on Monday or Tuesday. Why bother? I've already screwed up the week, might as well try again next week. Today I fought that excuse and went to the gym. It's sad I even have to do that.

But I am glad I did. One thing I do like about Burn Fitness is that they always treat me as if I've been coming every day. There's no looks of disappointment when I walk in the door. No nagging me for where I've been. And I wasn't expecting them to even remember me when I first joined. I had left the small intimate gym for the big, loud, dark, anonymous new gym. And I've been increasingly more satisfied with them as each day goes on. the staff is friendly. The trainers are smart, and capable of working with all kinds of people. And the equipment is technologically  advanced and always clean. And they care about the community, I talked with the staff at the Clinton River Fall Classic last year.

Well, I've written more than I ought to have. I need to get ready and head out to practice. Nothing better than all the squats I'll do laying track for scrimmage.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A New Year!

Yep its that time of the year again when we all make our resolutions to lose weight.  And then we promptly break them.  I really am going to try this year.  I don't know how much weight that holds, but I am really going to try.  2012 is starting out as a real year for growth, maturity and commitment.  I have a lot going on right now, and I have a lot I want to accomplish.  I am hoping that I can start out on the right path and utilize my new interests and hobbies to make losing weight more enjoyable. When I have more of my plan laid out, I will write back, in the meantime, please stay tuned and if you are out there and can share words of encouragement, or tips, or ideas, I would love your feedback! Happy New Year!